Luke Stanaway

Registered Nutritionist

6 Secrets To Keeping Your Weight In Check During The Festive Season 

6 Secrets To Keeping Your Weight In Check During The Festive Season 

6 Secrets To Keeping Your Weight In Check During The Festive Season 

Key Takeways

  • Don't skip meals and consider starting a 20-24 hour fast after a big meal.

  • Prioritize protein sources and eat slowly to manage food intake.

  • Keep training before and after a big meal.

  • Take a 30-minute walk after dinner to improve insulin response and digestion.

  • Enjoy the holiday meals, but remember to balance with healthy habits.

It's almost Christmas, and we all know what that means... That's right: food, alcohol, and a lack of exercise. What a time! Unfortunately, all of these factors contribute to unwanted holiday weight gain. 

So here are six tips to help you manage your holiday eating. 

1. Don't skip meals 

It's important not to skip your other meals to compensate for the big one. This will only make you hungry and cause you to overeat even more. Now, if you want to fast until the big meal, that's fine, but this isn't an excuse to let loose! 

2. Fast 

Start a 20- to 24-hour fast after this meal to help control the weight gain from the large meal. Even better! Fast on the 27th; it can be difficult to fast after a day of overindulging because you are hungrier. So eat normally the next day, then fast for two days. In addition, there are numerous other advantages to fasting for 24 hours. 

3. Eat quality first 

During the meal, prioritise your protein sources, such as meats and vegetables. This will ensure that you are not eating as many unhealthy foods and that you are getting some good nutrients in addition to bread, cheesecake, and wine. 

4. Slow down 

When eating, it's important to eat slowly because it takes a while for your body to signal to your brain that it is full, so slowing down will give your brain time to respond to this stimulus. 

5. Keep training 

That's right, do a large workout before the meal. I recommend working out your legs or your entire body. This will deplete your glycogen levels, so the meal will be used to help replenish your body's sources and shuttle nutrients to the muscle, stimulating the recovery and growth processes. If you don't have time for that, even body-weight squats, push-ups, or both can help improve your insulin sensitivity. 

6. Walking after a meal 

This one is simple. After dinner, take a 30-minute walk. Again, this will help to mediate the insulin response and improve digestion. Don't want to look like that weirdo walking down the street? Make it a family affair by bringing the kids, grandkids, nieces, and nephews. 

So, there you have it, nice and simple. I hope you enjoy your holiday meals and make the most of them. Also, remember that it is only one day, so have fun and don't feel bad if you overindulge a little; it is important to live as well!